Abschluss mit Diplom
IFAA Pilates Mattentrainerin
since 2015
„Tao Arts Institute“ basel, ch
Qi Gong and Taj Ji with Ursula de Almeida Goldfarb
“pilates bewegt” allschwil, ch
pilates classes with joëlle perret
since 2003
"institute of physical theatre" vienna, a
intensive physical theatre courses with danny scott, and part of the "fusion-ensemble"
since 1998
"chronos" basel, ch
ballet (cathy sharp), contemporary, balancing alignment (katharina adiecha)
"the green street studios" cambridge, ma, usa
contemporary, ballet & floor bare (markus schulkind)
"london contemporary dance school (lcds)" london, gb
ba in contemporary dance (juliet fisher, susan mcguire, duncan mc farland)
"chronos"/"the dance experience"/"dance space" basel, ch
classical ballet (cathy sharp, loya molloy, martin schläpfer)
graham (marianne forster) placement & contemporary (katharina adiecha)
performance/choreographic experience
"Statische Bewegung",
Collaboration: Sculptur: Bryan Haab,
Choreographie/dance, Nathalie Frossard
60/12 Kunst, Palazzo Liestal, BL
"drei Teile", Solo Work, at the Architekturtage
Neues Marthastift
Choreographie/dance, Nathalie Frossard
"Im Rahmen", Solo Work, at the 10 years Profitraining Basel at Chronos Movement
Choreographie/dance, Nathalie Frossard
fifth edition of „kernzone adventskalender“, org.: nathalie frossard, kathrin walde
“Generationen” concept/ dance: nathalie frossard dance: Cornelia Ziegler,
Ursula de Almeida Goldfarb, Lia Frossard
performed in the 1st calendar door, Church “Heilig Kreuz”“, binningen, ch
“Hochzeit”, Movement Installation/Dance wedding ceremony
Concept/ Dance: Nathalie Frossard dance collaboration with Nicolas Turicchia
performed at the Workshop of Martin Raimann, Münchenstein BS
fourth edition of „kernzone adventskalender“, org.: nathalie frossard, kathrin walde
“ZwischenTräume” concept/ dance: nathalie frossard dance/pantomime: Céline Oehen
performed in the 13th calendar door, Library Binningen“, binningen, ch
third edition of „kernzone adventskalender“, org.: nathalie frossard, kathrin walde
“bilder-mehr” concept/ dance: nathalie frossard dance: markéta kuttnerová, basia wehinger
performed in the 7th calendar door, werkraum „kernzone“, binningen, ch
“bilder-mehr” concept/ dance: nathalie frossard dance: markéta kuttnerová, basia wehinger
performed at “markthalle basel”, basel, ch
“passionskonzert mit getanzten bildern” choreo./ dance :julia medugno,
dance: nathalie frossard, kjersti sandstø
an evening to the theme of death and resurrection, interlakener schlosskirche, interlaken, ch
bodypainting meets movement
4 hour solo work in collaboration with body painter beat frutiger
performed at the “museumsnacht”, basel, ch
second edition of „kernzone adventskalender“, org.: nathalie frossard
“reflektionen” choreo./dance by nathalie frossard in the 18th calendar door
werkraum „kernzone“, binningen, ch
“recycle, disposable lives”
concept/choreo.: danny scott, choreo./dance.: nathalie frossard, ensemble
performed at “old fire station” oxford, gb and “IWBFilter4”, basel,ch
third edition of "bewegter spaziergang", org./perform.: nathalie frossard
site specific dance promenade with live music „tanzfest“, basel, ch
Guest at the basler tanztage with „bewegter spaziergang“, org./perform.: nathalie frossard
site specific dance promenade with live music „zeitgenössische basler tanztage“, basel, ch
second edition of "bewegter spaziergang", org./perform.: nathalie frossard
site specific dance promenade with live music „tanzfest“, basel, ch
„kernzone-adventskalender“, org./perform.: nathalie frossard
„florence and bach“, solo improvisation in the 14th calendar door
werkraum „kernzone“, binningen, ch
"mehr-wertstücke" concept/dance: nathalie frossard, dance: basia wehinger, romana ramer costumes: eva butzkies, guitar: john featherstone
"tourm-festival" basel, ch, "fest 2011", birsfelden, ch
"herbst", structured improvisation concept/movement: nathalie frossard, Lilian Künzler
"fim", forum für improvisierte musik und tanz, "safe", unternehmen mitte, basel, ch
"fest 2011", concept: eva butzkies und nathalie frossard, offering various artist two months of "space" to create and share work, to inspire and get inspired. birsfelder hafen, birsfelden, ch
"bewegter spaziergang", a site specific dance promenade through the st. alban vorstadt. concept/coordination: nathalie frossard, dance: various freelance dancers from basel,
live music: balthasar ewald, alexandra werner, anja waldkircher, text: alain ihr
"tanzfest", basel, ch
"zeit für mich", concept: basia wehinger, dance: nathalie frossard, romana ramer
flute: günther wehinger, guitar: julio azcano, cello: kaspar zwick
"freies theater basel", basel, ch
"kleider und möbel", collaboration with furniture by "marmart"/www.marmart.ch,
and clothes by "ark"/aline kunz, concept/dance: nathalie frossard, dance: regula wyser,
basia wehinger, deborah steinegger, anna tschanen, romana ramer, "fest 2010", basel, ch
"schichtenwiese", site spezific performance, concept/choreografie: nathalie frossard
dance: magali cunz, romana ramer, deborah steinegger, marcina de almeida, basia wehinger,
damaris hediger, "montage", "probebühne, formbar-raum für bewegtes", basel, ch
"fest 2010", concept: eva butzkies, nathalie frossard, offering various artist one month
"space" to create and share work, to inspire and get inspired.
basel, ch
"and the word became flesh", "poesie abend", an evening of "live" poetry, music and movement. poetry: danny scott, flute: günter wehinger, movement: bewegt & point zero
"café del mundo", basel, ch
"roush", concept: nathalie frossard, in collaboration with basia wehinger, dance: barbara diehl roger gafner, joëlle perret, andrea schweizer, nadja ehrsam, romana ramer,
drumming: cyrill lützelschwab, michel argast, "tanzfest" 2010, basel, ch
"augenblick", structured improvisation concept/movement: nathalie frossard,
"fim", forum für improvisierte musik und tanz, "safe", unternehmen mitte, basel, ch
"arts+ kulturfenster 2010", works in progress "reflektionen II" by nathalie frossard,
winner of prix plus 2010 together with astrid künzler-büchter
fabrikkirche winterthur, winterthur, ch
"invisible theatre"
concept: nathalie frossard, choreografie: danny scott and nathalie frossard
movement: andreas schmidhauser, joëlle perret, barbara diehl, andrea schweizer, paula ronkko, maria laschinger, barbara baer, nadja ehrsam, sylke peiske,
site specific project on the tellplatz/ bahnhofplatz, basel, ch
"auf den wolken, oder wo auch immer du sein möchtest"
concept: basia wehinger, music: "crescendo4" "musikakademie der stadt basel"
conductor: kaspar zwick, dance: nathalie frossard, joëlle perret, roger gafner
"freies theater basel", basel, ch
"nebellichter", second and third of three versions, structured improvisation,
dance and concept: nathalie frossard
text and speaker: alain ihr, voice and music: nadja ehrsam
evening filling programm, "kleinkunstbühne rampe", "formbar-rfb", basel,ch
"nebellichter", first of three versions, structured improvisation
dance and concept: nathalie frossard
text and speaker: alain ihr, voice and music: nadja ehrsam,
evening filling programm, university psychiatric clinic, upk, basel,ch
"grünlicht", a "works in progress" dance/physical theatre performance
part of "fusion" productions, danny scott and "bewegt, nathalie frossard",
"formbar, raum für bewegtes", basel, ch
“worte…!?” structured improvisation dance/physical theatre and text.
dance and concept: nathalie frossard, text and speaker: alain ihr, “safe”, basel, ch
“meins” by nathalie frossard
dance: joëlle perret, abigail bernath, wayan angst, evening filling programm at the “roxy”,
birsfelden, ch
“reflektionen” choreo. and dance by nathalie frossard at the “roxy”, birsfelden, ch
“mein raum…!?” structured improvisation dance/physical theatre
dance and concept: nathalie frossard . dance: joëlle perret, abigail bernath
“testgelände”, sudhaus, basel, ch
“bewegt, nathalie frossard”, establishing her own company
“moments” a creative dance/physical theatre performance
of “fusion” productions by danny scott and nathalie frossard
“formbar, raum für bewegtes”, basel, ch
“ursprung” improvisation mit tanz und farbe, concept by nathalie frossard
dance: nathalie frossard, painter: lillian bullen-billia, “safe“, basel, ch,
eventhalle, rheinfelden, ch
"sklave", dance and choreo. by nathalie frossard, dance: julie steciuk, wayan angst
a part of the "break free show", "festsaal messe basel", basel, ch
“osmose” by nathalie frossard, soloperformance, “theater des augenblicks”, vienna, a
“godset”, kolding, dk
“duo bewegt” (dance formation) choreo. by nathalie frossard, kjersti müller-sandstø
evening filling entertainment program in short pieces
“tränen und obstflecken” by nathalie frossard, “tanz>faktor 5”, basel, ch
dance: nathalie Frossard, julie steciuk, sarah botkin, lorrena bonavia
“le roi david” musical by a. honegger
choreo. by kjersti müller-sandstø, “temple du bas”, neuchâtel, “temple du morges”, ch
“summer soul” collaboration with the kcb band
choreo. by nathalie frossard, kjersti müller-sandstø, “sudhaus warteck”, basel, ch
“durst” by nathalie frossard, “tanz>faktor 3”, basel, ch
choreo. by nathalie frossard, monique kroepfli, maja ribi, franziska
bader-zuber. “museumsnacht-basel,” basel, ch
“in motion” clothe collection by tanja klein
dance improvisation by nathalie frossard, videoproduction, basel, ch
“jesus (joshua means, god saves)” by nathalie frossard
In collaboration with corinne bücheli , “roxy” in the “dancexfestival”,
birsfelden, ch
and the “gundeldinger casino”, basel ch
“zorbas” musical by mikis theodorakis
choreographed by etienne frey, rehearsals/training with robert
russel, lucy nightingale,
hélène roux, “kongresshaus”, zürich, ch
“puszta company” (chipsy music and dance)
artistic director: madeleine niggli, zürich, ch, performances
throughout switzerland and italy
“torne stone and hiccup” by jennifer hanna
ireland tour with the “tanz ensemble cathy sharp”
“the royal opera house”, london, gb, “roxy”, birsfelden, ch
“old english” by richard allston, “the place theatre” london, gb
“circular walls” by claire china, the “cochran theatre” london, gb
“airs” by paul taylor, roe hampton institute, london, gb
“revers effect” by lea anderson, “queen elisabeth hall” london, gb
teaching experience
since 2017
teaching Modern-Jazz-Ballett
“Migros Klubschule”, basel, ch
since 2016
teaching Ballett and Contemporary
“Move in Arts”, liestal, ch
since 2011
inventing the "loft training", a mixture of all teaching experiences, including pilates
since 2007
teaching professional dance/movement classes in various places:
in basel, ch / vienna, a / oxford, gb
since 2006
personal instructor for individual creative projects
teaching modern/improvisation,
"summer art session", thun, ch
teaching modern / ballet / improvisation / physical theatre,
in her own studio "formbar-raum für bewegtes" till 2013, basel, ch
2013-17 in the werkraum kernzone, binningen, ch
teaching workshops, and performing with "zippora-tanztheater"
and "fusion ensemble"/since 2010 "point zero, physical dance company”"
teaching adults ballet and contemporary dance,
"dance experience studio", basel, ch
teaching children and adults in creative dance and ballet,
"tanz arena", gelterkinden, ch